When I see pictures of people kayaking or paddleboarding from manufacturers, governing bodies, festivals, social clubs, social media all I see is a homogenous group of people having fun. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing happy faces on the water, but I can't help but think:
** Where is everyone else? Where are the people of colour?
**Were they invited?
**Did they come and not make it to photos ?
**Or are they not there at all?
**Why not?
Diversity initiatives in paddlesport focus so much on girls and women, without considering intersecting identities that sometimes mean some of us get excluded. The community doesn’t consider racial or ethnic diversity, neurodiversity, disabilities or diversity in body size. I spent all of 2021 thinking about whether it is enough that I am a paddlesports coach, or is it also important that others who look like me get to that place too? Reflecting on being the change I’d like to see, I felt that being truly inclusive means I cannot stop once I reach my goals.

There aren't many people in the sport who look like me, and even fewer in leadership roles within the paddling community. I believe it's time to change that. People of Colour Paddle is a nationwide community initiative to increase participation of people of colour in paddlesports within the UK with the view of connecting often urbanised communities back to nature. I often use the word “normalise” participation instead of “inspire” on social media because I don’t want people to be like me, I want them to have a much better experience and a range of opportunities that I didn’t have. I would like to see a future where it is normal for women of colour to participate in paddlesports and are encouraged by their families, their wider community.
My coaching philosophy revolves around empowerment and confidence building; these principles firmly underpin this project.

Through this work, I hope to be able to get new people trying paddling, falling in love with it like I did and helping them progress to leadership roles within paddlesports. When I qualified as a paddleboarding coach I said to my assessor, “I’d like to build a mentoring program for historically marginalised communities”. In order to get there, we need to build our communities within paddlesport and reach those who have never thought about trying paddleboarding, kayaking, canoeing. I am starting in Liverpool, London and Lincoln and will be arranging sessions in more cities if folks sign up.
Through this project I am trying to reach the people of colour in the UK who wouldn’t consider paddlesports as a leisure activity, maybe never even heard of it. I am hoping lots of people will try it and enjoy paddling, and maybe able to make it part of their life. Confidence building, partnership and sustainability form the founding principles of this project as I hope to create long lasting change for our communities. If you are reading this and thinking about trying paddleboarding or kayaking, please connect with me on social media (@peopleofcolourpaddle on Instagram/ @pocpaddle on Twitter) where you can find a link to sign up to beginners sessions.
I can't wait to meet all of you and take you paddling!